Spiders do very miraculous acts for the people of this planet. They may look intimidating, and I give them dibs on that. They deserve to look intimidating because they have very strong magick. Snakes too. Snakes also have an intimidating aura about them. Snakes are speakers of wisdom. Snakes also represent rebirth. If a snake is ever to harm you there are enchantments which exist that aid in doing away with poisonous snakes.
Death is considered a fear. Many people fear dying alone, dying too early, dying from cancer or heart attack, being killed by someone. Death should not be seen as "The End". When someone or something dies does not mean they will never come back. Hermetic philosophy reveals that something can exist and not exist at once, because both are one and the same. Waves can rise and fall because both are one and the same. After a person dies does not mean they are gone. They are still here in spirit.
With fear one must overcome anything that brings fear into their spirit. Nobody should have fear in their lives. They must know how to stand fast, and face something head on. Fear is what hinders us from growing and evolving everyday.